Austin TX Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuits & Lawyers

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Austin is located in central Texas, with a current population of 964,000. ( It is the state’s fourth-largest city. It was originally a riverside village called Waterloo in a buffalo-hunting area that was occupied by several Native American tribes. In 1839, it was selected by scouts as the permanent capital for the Republic of Texas. It was renamed to honor Stephen F. Austin, who was the founder of the republic.

Asbestos Exposure in Austin and Texas

The history of Austin in industry, construction, and historic preservation makes it a concern about asbestos exposure.

Asbestos use was common in Austin and throughout Texas during most of the 1900s in provide insulation for equipment and clothing used by workers in heavy industries, such as shipyards and oil refineries. People were exposed heavily to asbestos in Austin before asbestos regulations existed in the state. The fact that asbestos-related industries operated unchecked for years has resulted in far too many tragic deaths from mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.

SEE ALSO: Texas Mesothelioma Lawyer Lawsuit Help

Before laws were established that regulated the toxic substance in Austin, Texas, the material was highly effective for heat and fireproofing. It was often used to prevent heat friction in large machines in many industries.

People in Austin and around Texas who were exposed to this toxin died in the thousands over the years, with at least 2,454 people dying from asbestos-related diseases between 1999 and 2013. Those numbers make it the #4 state in the country for asbestos-related deaths. (

High-Risk Industries for Asbestos Exposure in Austin and Across Texas

Most people who are exposed to asbestos in Austin and in Texas worked in oil refineries, foundries and steel mills, chemical plants, automobile factors, and chemical plants. Some of the job sites in Austin and Texas with known asbestos problems are:

  • Texaco Oil
  • Lone Star Industries
  • Texas Chemical
  • Lyondell Chemical
  • Chevron Phillips Chemical
  • Gulf Oil
  • Bethlehem Shipping Company
  • Gulfport Shipping Company
  • Todd Shipping Company

Some of the industries that had heavy asbestos exposure in Austin and across Texas were:

Oil Refineries

Austin, Dallas, and Houston are home to several oil refineries, including Phillips Pride Refining. Oil refineries are a major industry across Texas and have made thousands of good-paying jobs. But that means there have been thousands of people exposed to asbestos, as well. Asbestos was often used in these facilities because it was highly heat resistant and many chemical reactions.


Texas has been very popular for shipyards and shipbuilding services because of its placement on the Gulf of Mexico. Port Adams Shipyard, American Bridge Shipyard and Todd Houston Shipbuilding Corporation and a dozen others have been in the big business in Texas of building, repairing and maintaining ships. Thousands of shipyard workers were at these sites and there was a high risk of asbestos exposure.


Veterans around major Texas cities such as Austin account for 30% of mesothelioma diagnoses because of the wide use of asbestos over the decades in the military. Aircraft, buildings on bases and ships were some of the areas where workers could be exposed. Bergstrom Air Force Base in Austin and the Naval Station in Corpus Christi have known sites of asbestos exposure.

Bergstrom Air Force Base has been named as one of the 2.604 asbestos exposure sites in Texas. Asbestos was used at the base in many buildings, including Bergstrom Air Force Base Hospital.


Chevron Phillips Plastics and Pathfinder Manufacturing created many products, but like many other manufacturers in and outside Texas, they exposed workers to asbestos in their facilities. Much of the equipment used contained asbestos products, including gaskets to protect against heat. The buildings also contained high levels of asbestos.

Chemical Plants

Dow Chemical, Phillips Chemical Company, and Nalco Chemical Plant are just a few chemical plants around Austin and Texas that relied on asbestos. Asbestos was used for construction, equipment and protective clothing.

Austin and Texas Asbestos Lawsuits

Many asbestos exposure lawsuits have been filed over the years in Texas with mixed results. One that had some success was a case called Union Carbide and GST Settlement Facility v. Oscar Torres and Dora Torres. The lawsuit filed in 2015 alleged that Oscar Torres got mesothelioma in 2009  because of his work at a UCC chemical plant that used Garlock gaskets.

UCC appealed the decision that blamed UCC for 90% of the man’s asbestos exposure and illness, with the remaining going to Garlock. More than $1.5 million was awarded for future pain, mental anguish, and medical expenses. Another $1.5 million was awarded to Dora Torres for loss of consortium in the future.

UCC challenged the evidence that found that UCC had any control over how Torres did his pipefitting work on their premises. It argued that a subcontractor employed the worker and it eliminated premise liability.

In the end, the court ruled that there was not enough evidence to establish that Garlock gaskets had caused his asbestos cancer, but the remainder of the judgment against UCC was affirmed. (

Asbestos Exposure at Austin Jobsites

These sites in Austin specifically are known to have exposed workers to asbestos:

  • American Statesman
  • Army Reserve
  • Austin Energy
  • City Power Plant
  • Frito Lay Company
  • Hilton Inn
  • Huntsman Corp.
  • IBM
  • Safeway
  • State Farm Insurance Company
  • Stephen F. Austin Hotel
  • Travis High School
  • University of Texas System
  • US Army Reserve
  • US Post Office
  • YMCA

Austin Mesothelioma Attorney Information

If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos and have mesothelioma or another asbestos-related condition, these are some the best attorneys in the area to contact:

KRW Attorneys At Law

16500 San Pedro Ave. #302

San Antonio TX 78232

(855) 579-5299

Ketterman, Rowland & Westlund are proud to help workers whose lives have been affected by asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. Whether you developed the disease through work or second-hand exposure, this law firm can help. Their work for personal injury victims is recognized by America’s Top 100 Lawyers, National Lawyers, and Best Lawyers. If asbestos has harmed you or a loved one, contact KRW Attorneys at Law today.

Daspit Law Firm

9601 McAllister Freeway

Suite 914

San Antonio TX 78216

(888) 568-8976

The Daspit Law Firm features seasoned mesothelioma law firm litigators who are highly effective working for the benefit of Texas workers who have been exposed to asbestos. If you think that you have sustained serious injuries from asbestos exposure, Daspit Law Firm has the skill and experience to get you the best compensation possible.

Hendler Flores Law

1301 West 25th Street

Suite 400

Austin TX 78705

(800) 443-6353

If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, Hendler Flores law can help. This team of skilled attorneys has decades of experience in Texas and throughout the country representing families devastated by mesothelioma. They know what it takes under the law to get the best possible mesothelioma recovery.

Get Austin TX Mesothelioma Legal Help

With over $30 billion available for victims through the Asbestos Trust Funds, did you know you could be entitled to financial compensations without ever filing a lawsuit.

Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer victims qualify immediately. Complete the form or call us toll free (800) 352-0871