New Hampshire Mesothelioma Lawsuit & Lawyer Help

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Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that forms in the pleura in the chest or the peritoneum in the abdomen. It grows in the lining of these cavities with symptoms including shortness of breath, dry cough, and chest or back pain. (

The most common form of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma affecting the lung lining. Peritoneal mesothelioma in the abdomen is much less common. Both forms of the disease are usually caused by occupational asbestos exposure.

As the tiny asbestos particles are inhaled or swallowed, inflammation and scarring of the delicate tissues in the lungs and abdomen can lead to cancer after many years.

New Hampshire and Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos exposure in New Hampshire usually happens at work. Most people who do not work in major industries in the state have a low risk of asbestos exposure.

For decades, the economy of New Hampshire was dependent on textiles, shoe manufacturing, and paper mills. Some factories in the state were known to have asbestos-containing products that endangered public health.

New Hampshire Sites of Asbestos Exposure

There is no natural asbestos in New Hampshire, but there are many industries in the state where workers may have been exposed to asbestos. ( Some of the most common are shipbuilding, textiles, manufacturing, and power generation. Below is more information about these industries.


Workers in shipyards in New Hampshire are considered to be among the highest risk for exposure because of how asbestos was used to build ships. Ships of all kinds probably contained asbestos in many parts. These included gaskets, insulation, and insulation in living areas and boiler rooms.

Being in close quarters on ships with poor ventilation meant that any repairs or damage to asbestos would probably cause a high concentration of the asbestos fibers to become airborne. For example, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard exposed many thousands of workers and military veterans to asbestos over many years.

Portsmouth Naval Shipyard was eventually added to the EPA’s Superfund List in 1994 after it realized the extent of asbestos waste present at the site. The EPA continues to clean up the site to this day. How many residents in the area of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard were exposed to asbestos is unknown.


New Hampshire once had a booming textile industry that used a lot of asbestos to insulate fabric weaving machines. Also, many mills in the state wove protective clothing from asbestos because it was so lightweight and resistant to heat. The clothing was made into oven mitts and race car gear.

Textile workers spun the asbestos threads into fabric or ran mill machinery, and they ran a high risk of breathing in asbestos fibers. Also, most mills were poorly ventilated, so asbestos fibers would circulate in the building for hours.

Textile mills in New Hampshire were usually built with asbestos insulation in the walls and floors. When the mills were closed, thousands of tons of asbestos waste was left behind. Asbestos was often dumped into rivers or given away as free landfill to homeowners. The asbestos exposure from these activities can never be known for sure.

Power Plants

Power plant equipment, such as turbines and boilers, were largely built before the 1980s with a lot of asbestos products to reduce the risk of fire and explosions. Their construction also had to be resistant to fire to protect the plant and workers.

Asbestos was used as insulation throughout power facilities all over New Hampshire. One of the power plants in the state with asbestos problems is Seabrook Nuclear Power Station.


Many manufacturers in New Hampshire used asbestos-containing products that exposed workers to severe danger. Industrial Pipe and Equipment Corp. in Nashua and Syntextils in Manchester are just two of them.

Because asbestos was so inexpensive and so versatile in construction and manufacturing, many companies in New Hampshire and across the US still have asbestos materials in their buildings.

New Hampshire Job Sites with Asbestos Exposure

Some of the companies and sites in New Hampshire with known asbestos problems include: (

  • LW Packard Company
  • Portsmouth Naval Yard
  • Seabrook Station
  • Troy Mills
  • Charles Poletti Power Project
  • Homestead Industries
  • Merrimack Power Plant
  • Johns-Manville Plant
  • Star Specialty Knitting
  • Warwick Mills

If you worked at any of these companies and have mesothelioma, you may have been exposed to asbestos by your employer.

New Hampshire Asbestos Exposure Laws

New Hampshire has specific regulations for inspection and abatement of asbestos-containing products before there is any demolition, renovation or maintenance in commercial or residential properties. The purpose of these regulations is to prevent dangerous asbestos fibers from being released into the environment. (

The state requires an inspection of the property to check for asbestos before any renovations or demolitions are begun. Only a worker who has been properly trained and accredited to identify asbestos-containing materials can do this work.

If any asbestos is found during the inspection and could be disturbed during renovations, it must be removed by a licensed asbestos abatement professional.

For demolition projects, the contractor must provide 10 working days’ notice to NHDES before any demolition begins.

New Hampshire Asbestos Attorneys

Many workers in New Hampshire’s industrial and manufacturing base were exposed to asbestos and eventually got malignant mesothelioma. If you have mesothelioma, please speak with the qualified attorney below.

Personal Injury Law Office of Stephen R. Fine

620 Chestnut Street

Manchester, New Hampshire, 03104

(888) 653-5020

If you have mesothelioma in New Hampshire, it is important to work with an experienced personal injury mesothelioma lawsuit attorney in the state who is familiar with the complex laws of New Hampshire and know the many companies that exposed workers to asbestos in the state. This attorney has years of experience with asbestos claims and you may be eligible for mesothelioma compensation.

Request Immediate Legal Help

With over $30 billion available for victims through asbestos bankruptcy trust funds, you are entitled to financial compensations without ever filing an asbestos, lung cancer or mesothelioma lawsuit. You need legal representation to get started. Mesothelioma & lung cancer victims qualify immediately. Complete the form or call us toll-free (800) 352-0871 immediately.